What is Steaming?

Unlock a world of holistic wellness!

*Steaming is an ancient restorative practice to administer healing herbs into the body by way of steam also known as steaming. Organic herbs are heated with filtered water then slightly cooled and placed under the steam stool. The steam is then created from the combination of the herbal blend and water. Each steam stool has an open center to allow steam to enter the body. The client sits on the stool allowing steam to enter the vagina or buttocks for an extended time. All herbs used at Steam Sistahs are organic and from a trusted herbalist.

*Steaming is not a one-size-fits-all service; each session is tailored to meet the individual's unique healing needs. With that being said, we offer trusted herbal blends readily available, as well as personalized blends to meet your specific needs. Steaming offers transformative benefits for women and men. Discover healing with every steam at Steam Sistahs.